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What to Expect at our Services

At Stevens Road, we want you to come as you are.  You don’t need to dress up to attend our services.


You’ll find music, scripture, a message, children’s music – all focused on worshiping God and learning more about His word.  Sometimes we show short videos, have special music or presentations from the different ministries in our church. 


You’ll find a warm and welcoming group of people who will make you feel at home!  Once a month, usually the first Sunday of the month, we hold communion at our morning service. Anyone who is a follower of Jesus Christ is welcome to participate in communion – you don’t have to be a member of the church. 


What denomination are you?  

We are part of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada family of Baptist churches. It’s more complicated than this but basically that means we are part of a group of 400 or so other churches that like to team up from time to time to work on projects that are too big for us to do alone. One of the most noticeable differences between our family of Baptist churches and say the Southern Baptists is we have women serve in all forms of leadership including as Pastors. If you want to get more into the nitty gritty of what makes our family of Baptists distinct you can learn more here:



Do I have to become a member of the church?  

If you have come consider Stevens Road your home church, we would love for you to become a member. How that happens partly depends on if you have been baptized as an adult already or not. Either way if you would like to get the ball rolling the first step would be to talk with one of our pastors.  


How long are your services?  

On average they are usually about  75 minutes long, depending on what is happening that week, such as communion, a special speaker, presentations, etc.  If you need to leave early, please feel free to do so.


Which version of the Bible do you use?  

Our pew Bibles are New International Version, however you are encouraged to use whichever version is most comfortable to you.


What programs are in place for me and my family?  

We have a wide range of programs for toddlers to seniors. Many of the details are here on the website, or please feel free to contact the church for more details.


Is your church wheelchair accessible?  

Yes! There is a wheelchair ramp by our rear entrance for accessing our gym and washrooms.  We installed a lift by our main entrance to allow people with mobility challenges to access our sanctuary without climbing the stairs. Our ushers will be happy to help you, should you require assistance.


Which door should I use?   

The main entrance (Marked with "Welcome"), closest to Stevens Road on the church parking lot, accesses the lift to the main sanctuary. While the rear entrance (Marked with "Offices"), farther from Stevens Road, provides a wheelchair ramp and access to our accessible washroom facilities and the gym.


Where should I park?  

There is parking in front of the church, as well as on Stevens Road and Tacoma Drive. There is also a rear parking lot, located behind the church off of Margaree Parkway. The rear parking lot is weather dependent, and closed in the winter.


What should I wear to services?  

Wear what is comfortable for you!  People attending our services wear everything from jeans and shirts to their “Sunday best”.  Come as you are.


What about scented products?  

Our church offers a scent-free environment, so we ask that you don’t wear scented products to our services. Some people have serious allergies to perfumes, deodorants, fabric softener, hair products, etc.


Do I have to give money when the offering comes around?  

If you are visiting with us it can feel awkward when the offering plate comes along. We want the service to feel like a gift to you, so if you are a guest there is no expectation that you give any money. If you are concerned that it would look bad if you don’t put anything in, lots of people pass the plate along without adding anything. Some of them are guests as well and have opted not to give. Others are members but give through electronic giving. You won’t stick out. Of course, if you do want to give you are welcome to do so.

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