Serve at Stevens Road
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to serve at Stevens Road! Please speak with one of our pastors or a Deacons if you want more information about volunteer opportunities.
Our policy regarding volunteers is that anyone can be involved in most of our church ministries without being a member of the church, with a few exceptions. We do require that anyone working with children or youth complete a Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check every three years.
Volunteer at the Church
There are many committees at the church. For some committees and boards, you need to be a member of the church. For others, you do not. Please speak with one of our pastors if you wish to serve on one of the following committees:
Board of Deacons
Christian Education Committee
Finance Committee
Church Librarians
Missions Committee
Worship Planning Team
Decorating Committee
Tech Team
Social Committee
Nominating Committee