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Community Outreach and Missions

We are a strong believer in supporting our community. We support many local organizations through volunteering and through donations by our church community.



Stevens Road believes in reaching out to the community.  We do this in many ways:


Downtown F.O.O.D (Feeding Others of Dartmouth):

Our Church provides lunch once a month for those who come to Margaret’s House.  Margaret’s House is located in central Dartmouth and is a center for those who are less fortunate and rely on daily meals.  The first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month casseroles are brought in by those in our Church Family who are faithful to this cause.   We provide 18-20 litres of hamburger casserole as well as 8 litres of apple juice and supplies each month.


East Dartmouth Christian Food Bank:


Stevens Road United Baptist Church DOES NOT operate a food bank in the church.


The church  is privileged to be one of five local churches that sponsor the East Dartmouth Christian Food Bank.  It operates out of the Woodlawn Heritage Church on Woodlawn Road and is open to serve clients Thursday mornings from  9 am -11 am.  Each family is permitted to come once a month for their basic order and weekly for bakery and produce items.

A large portion of food items is delivered to the Food Bank each Wednesday morning from Feed Nova Scotia. Deliveries are unloaded, sorted and shelved by volunteers.  The Food Bank is always in need of volunteers for Wednesday and/or Thursday mornings. We support the Food Bank by financial donations, food donations, and volunteers. Vegetables from gardens are always welcome! Small plastic containers and plastic newspaper bags are also needed.

We have members who serve on the Board of Directors.


The Missions Committee is responsible for seeing that the church fulfills our commitment to the Great Commission. May and November are Missions month for raising support for missions here at home and abroad.


The Women’s Missionary Society is a group of women who meet regularly to pray for and has given financially to the work of missionaries at home and in other countries.


Our Partner in Mission with Canadian Baptist Ministries is Darrell and Laura Lee Bustin who are in Rwanda


Our church has sent missions teams of all ages to do missions in North America and overseas. Over the past years we have sent teams to Lynn, Massachusetts; Guatemala, Poland, Brazil, and El Salvador.

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