Stevens Road United Baptist Church Family;
Nova Scotia entered the modified Phase 5 plan on October 4th 2021. This is a more cautious approach to opening than originally planned and comes with both requirements and recommendations for us as we gather in various ways in the church. At our September 22nd meeting we set ourselves some guidelines based on our best understanding of the rules. Since that meeting we have received clarification about vaccine mandates and faith gatherings from public health.
The current public health requirements state that faith gatherings are exempt from vaccine mandates. We strongly recommend everyone in the church follow the public health guidance on getting a vaccine. At this time for those who attend the Sunday morning worship we are not asking for proof of vaccination, except for staff, volunteers working with children and those participating in the worship team without a mask.
The clarification that came from public health is that all gatherings outside of the Sunday morning worship service are considered ‘non-essential’. That means all other gatherings will require proof of vaccination. This includes but is not limited too; WMS, Bible Studies, Youth Group, Committee Meetings, Small Groups, Worship Team Practise, Special Events, etc.
This requirement is in effect now. To comply with this requirement each group must verify proof of vaccination every time they gather. Or if the group meets regularly members can show proof of vaccination once and sign a consent form stating that we are allowed to keep a record of your vaccine status. If you give consent, then you will not have to show your proof of vaccination again. A list of everyone who has given us permission to keep a record of their vaccine status will be available for group leaders to access for their meetings.
Along with these new vaccine mandates to meet or exceed public health requirements we are doing the following;
Masks are required for all church gatherings
Social distancing will be reduced on Sunday’s skipping only one instead of two pews allowing those who want space to maintain it, small groups and meetings are suggested to maintain some distance between people.
Hand sanitizing stations will stay in place, and cleaning will happen after gatherings.
Everyone entering the church needs to be free of covid symptoms
Sign in for contact tracing
As we step into this next chapter I am excited to see where God will lead us, and I look forward to following his path with wisdom, and with love.
Pastor Christopher
On behalf of Staff, Deacons, Trustees, Christian Education, and Finance